Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hacken doesn't Believe that there will be No Results after Putting in Effort

August 6, 2007

Hacken attended an event organized by the Sunshine Club to cheer on students who were receiving their examination results soon. (I think this is a huge exam that determines if the students get into university ot not.) He was there to lend moral support to over 200 students who turned up. He admitted that during his year, his results were average.

Towards the changing of the scoring system of marks, he said that he understood the reason behind the changes as there will be changes for different generations as times change. Exams are like first loves, there won't be good endings for many. But a person will always fall in love more than once and this is the same case as the exams.

In the earlier years, Hacken's results were not very ideal (in terms of winning awards at ceremonies). When he opened the papers, he would see headlines that ridiculed him for not getting an award. He felt demoralized at the time. Thus, he told himself that he would do his work well and doesn't believe that there won't be results if he worked hard.

[translated by Gillian]
[source: http://www.leehacken.com/news/2007/news_20070806_002.htm]
[wow, i never heard of an analogy of exams and love! haha. a good analogy! -kate]

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