Sunday, September 9, 2007

10 Ways to Get Red Packets – By Hacken Lee

(*NOTE: this news article is from around the early 1990s!*)

The Lunar New Year is one of the festivals I like best – because I can always get lots of red packets. It’s the time of the year for me to get lucky and money comes rolling in! (Red packets, also termed laisee in Cantonese and angpao in hokkien are money given by the elders to the younger ones. They come in the form of money contained in a red packet that can be sealed. –info from hianez but I think most of you know what are red packets! ^_^)

Well, there’s actually a way to get more red packets. Let me provide you with 10 ways to do so and you can see if they suit your needs!

(1) Keep on telling your relatives and friends ‘Gong Hei Fatt Choy’ (wish you money luck).

(2) Keep walking around someone, using this act to remind them to give you the red packets.

(3) Praise others by telling them they are rich; they are bound to take that in and give you the red packet.

(4) Use the tactic of ‘retreating as a form of attacking’ – like interviewing someone and then say “We’re not very closely related actually…you can save on the red packet.” (this is retreating) and usually the person might give it to you! (and that is successful attack!)

(5) Make it clear to others first by telling them: “I’m not yet married!”

(6) Tell this to someone in an accidental manner, “It’d be good if I can get 1 more red packet today.”

(7) Keep discussing the issue of red packets with your friends. When married couples hear this, they will know how to react.

(8) Get 2 more friends to make a visit to someone’s company during the Lunar New Year. You can only bring 1 to 2 friends because if you bring along too many people, they might
choose not give out red packets due to the large number.

(9) Never miss out on group visits.

(10) At one shot, arrange to meet relatives and friends whom you’ve not seen for many years. You’re sure to get wealthy.

The methods mentioned above are what I’ve accumulated all these years. You’re sure to find them useful.

[Source: Hacken Zone
[translated by: Hianez]
[LOL!!! hacken & joey had some short skits about this subject on their old variety show!!
i think they demonstrated all 10 ways. hahaha!!! -kate]

1 comment:

check & save these links ^^ said...
Christmas decorations @ The Peninsula Hotel



“Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well; whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself completely; in great aims and in small I have always thoroughly been in earnest.”
—Charles Dickens (1812-70), novelist